1 : Save the pins of microcontroller 2 : Overcome the issue of interfacing with same port pins of microcontroller The interface between MCU and LCD is in parallel mode. LCD … 16×2 LCD 4-bit: connect LCD to any pin of Microcontroller Ashvin Makawana in Arduino 2.44k Views
You can now host live ads and earn money. Steps2Make.com is great platform for making money. Having own blog to make money is tedious job for non technical persons as it requires lot of knowledge of W… Start Earning from Steps2Make Manoj Thakur in Arduino 8.2k Views
In most of our electronic products or projects we need a +5V power supply for converting mains AC voltage to a regulated DC voltage. For making a power supply designing of each and every component is … 5V Power Supply using LM7805 Umesh Shirale in Electronics 5.27k Views
Connected things How many times did you forget to water your flower pot? With a soil moisture sensor you will give the flower pot the instrument to alert you when it will be thirsty (see Photo 1). Thi… Flower pot connected to the Internet Smick Info in DIY 10.7k Views
Aim of this project is very simple it counts Objects or Pulses from IR proximity detector. Maximum count is 999. It can be reset at any point and pulses for counting can be given from various sensors,… Three Digit Object Counter Pankaj Nemade in Electronics 7.93k Views
The circuit given here is of digital voltmeter with LED 7-segment display using the ICL7107. It measures voltage from 0.00V to 99.9V. ICL7107 is a 3 1/2 digit A/D converters with LED 7-Segment Driver.… Digital Voltmeter Pankaj Nemade in Electronics 11.14k Views