You can now host live ads and earn money. is great platform for making money. Having own blog to make money is tedious job for non technical persons as it requires lot of knowledge of Web programming, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and online marketing.  Just focus on your own writing skills.


Benefits of Using Steps2Make platform for blogging

  1. No need of web programming knowledge
  2. Large community makes more views to your posts
  3. No need of web hosting space, domain name and all other extra expenses
  4. If you stop posting your earning will always goes on as the Steps2Make community is growing
  5. Your own AdSense ads are displayed at top and bottom of your post
  6. Steps2Make does marketing job so more view to your posts
  7. Simple Editor for posting makes faster writing
  8. Community suggestions to improve yourself in technical writing and earning
  9. Secure blogging
  10. Constant updates
  11. Your Ads will be kept until you delete your own account or change in Google AdSense policies.

Get Started with Steps2Make

Stetting up AdSense ads

Note: Approved Google AdSense account is must

Step 1: Open your AdSense account and login. Click on Ad Units then Click on + New ad unit

Step 2: Choose First option Text & display ads

Step 3: Give Name of your choice.
Keep everything else as it is, Responsive Ad Size is recommended for Steps2Make.

Step 4: Copy Ad code and paste it in note pad or text editor

Step 5: From the ad code we need only two parameter data-ad-client and data-ad-slot number

<script async src="//"></script>
<!-- s2mTop -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Put your own ads on steps2make posts

Step 6: Configuring Steps2Make account to show your own ads on your posts.
Go to and Login

Move mouse over your profile picture, then go to Profile >> Edit


Step 7: Click on Header AdSense

Step 8: You can see two fields Ad Client and Ad Slot
Here you have to enter your own ad Client and As Slot Number the we have created in previous steps, Refer Steps 1 to 5 to get code.

<script async src="//"></script>
<!-- s2mTop -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Enter your client and slot data in given fields without double quotes and save it. as shown in below picture.
Similarly create bottom ad using steps 1 to 8 and enter it in Footer AdSense to display your ads in footer. DO NOT COPY SAME CODE FOR HEADER AND FOOTER this will show same ads but it will not get counted in your adSense account.


Step 9: Your Ads will be immediately displayed on your posts. (make sure you don’t have ad blocker)

Start Earning today…..

for more information or any troubles contact Manoj Thakur. Your suggestions are always welcomed.

Other Ways to make money from

1. If you have some website selling other items you can put its link on Steps2Make posts. also add your website in about section of your profile. Your web link always shown on all your posts sidebar.

2. You can put Affiliate links also for example. Amazon affiliate while making components required list put affiliate link to the list.
